UX Design Idea Module

Driving short distances

Making regular trips of less than 3 to 4 miles, with each followed by several hours of inactivity, can be tough on your engine. The short trip is harder on your engine than longer trips because there is not enough time for the engine to completely warm up and burn off condensation and fuel vapors that form in the crankcase. Over time, these contaminants will accumulate and result in the formation of corrosive acids and sludge, making the oil less effective at doing its job.

The age of your camera

a device that consists of a lightproof chamber with an aperture fitted with a lens and a shutter through which the image of an object is projected onto a surface for recording as on a photosensitive film or an electronic sensor as for television broadcast.

Driving conditions

If you are driving in extreme weather conditions you should be aware of the effects this can have on your oil. Consider using a synthetic oil to add some extra protection. In addition to the weather, making trips where you are stopping and starting frequently – such as city driving or bumper to bumper traffic – can do a number on your engine. Sticking to your maintenance plan is even more important if your daily commute includes frequent stopping-and-starting. If you are this type of driver you may benefit from more frequent oil changes – especially if you have an older vehicle.

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